Source code for deepdow.experiments

"""Running experiments."""

import datetime
import time

from diffcp import SolverError
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch

from .benchmarks import Benchmark
from .callbacks import (
from .data import FlexibleDataLoader, RigidDataLoader
from .losses import Loss

[docs]class History: """A shared information database for the training process. Attributes ---------- database : dict Keys are different epochs and values are ``pd.DataFrame`` with detailed results. """ def __init__(self): self.database = {} # dict where keys are epochs and values are lists @property def metrics(self): """Concatenate metrics over all epochs. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame Each row represents a unique logging sample. Columns are `batch`, `current_time`, `dataloader`, `epoch`, `lookback`, `metric`, `model`, `timestamp`, `value`. """ master_list = [] # over all epochs for el in self.database.values(): master_list.extend(el) return pd.DataFrame(master_list)
[docs] def metrics_per_epoch(self, epoch): """Results over a specified epoch. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame Each row represents a unique logging sample. Columns are `batch`, `current_time`, `dataloader`, `epoch`, `lookback`, `metric`, `model`, `timestamp`, `value`. """ return pd.DataFrame(self.database[epoch])
[docs] def add_entry( self, model=None, metric=None, batch=None, epoch=None, dataloader=None, lookback=None, timestamp=None, value=np.nan, ): """Add entry to the internal database.""" if epoch not in self.database: self.database[epoch] = [] self.database[epoch].append( { "model": model, "metric": metric, "value": value, "batch": batch, "epoch": epoch, "dataloader": dataloader, "lookback": lookback, "timestamp": timestamp, "current_time":, } )
[docs] def pretty_print(self, epoch=None): """Print nicely the internal database. Parameters ---------- epoch : int or None If epoch given, then a results only over this epoch. If epoch is `None` then print results over all epochs. """ if epoch is None: df = self.metrics else: df = self.metrics_per_epoch(epoch) pd.options.display.float_format = "{:,.3f}".format print( df.groupby(["model", "metric", "epoch", "dataloader"])["value"] .mean() .to_string() )
[docs]class Run: """Represents one experiment. Parameters ---------- network : nn.Module and Benchmark Network. loss : callable A callable computing per sample loss. Specifically it accepts `weights`, `y` and returns ``torch.Tensor`` of shape `(n_samples,)`. train_dataloader : FlexibleDataLoader or RigidDataLoader DataLoader used for training. val_dataloaders : None or dict If None no validation is performed. If ``dict`` then keys are names and values are instances of ``RigidDataLoader``. metrics : None or dict If None the only metric is the loss function. If ``dict`` then keys are names and values are instances of ``Loss``. benchmarks : None or dict If None then no benchmark models used. If ``dict`` then keys are names and values are instances of ``Benchmark``. device : torch.device or None Device on which to perform the deep network calculations. If None then `torch.device('cpu')` used. dtype : torch.dtype or None Dtype to use for all torch tensors. If None then `torch.double` used. optimizer : None or torch.optim.Optimizer Optimizer to be used. If None then using Adam with lr=0.01. callbacks : list List of callbacks to be used. Attributes ---------- metrics : dict Keys represent metric names and values are callables. Note that it always has an element called 'loss' representing the actual loss. val_dataloaders : dict Keys represent dataloaders names and values are ``RigidDataLoader`` instances. Note that if empty then no logging is made. models : dict Keys represent model names and values are either `Benchmark` or `torch.nn.Module`. Note that it always has an element called `main` representing the main network. callbacks : list Full list of callbacks. There are three defaults ones `BenchmarkCallback`, `ValidationCallback` and `ProgressBarCallback`. On top of them there are the manually selected callbacks from `callbacks`. """ def __init__( self, network, loss, train_dataloader, val_dataloaders=None, metrics=None, benchmarks=None, device=None, dtype=None, optimizer=None, callbacks=None, ): # checks if not isinstance( train_dataloader, (FlexibleDataLoader, RigidDataLoader) ): raise TypeError( "The train_dataloader needs to be an instance of RigidDataLoader or FlexibleDataLoadeer." ) if not isinstance(loss, Loss): raise TypeError("The loss needs to be an instance of Loss.") if not ( isinstance(network, torch.nn.Module) and isinstance(network, Benchmark) ): raise TypeError( "The network needs to be a torch.nn.Module and Benchmark. " ) = network self.loss = loss self.train_dataloader = train_dataloader # metrics self.metrics = {"loss": loss} if metrics is None: pass elif isinstance(metrics, dict): if not all([isinstance(x, Loss) for x in metrics.values()]): raise TypeError("All values of metrics need to be Loss.") if "loss" in metrics: raise ValueError( "Cannot name a metric 'loss' - restricted for the actual loss." ) self.metrics.update(metrics) else: raise TypeError( "Invalid type of metrics: {}".format(type(metrics)) ) # metrics_dataloaders self.val_dataloaders = {} if val_dataloaders is None: pass elif isinstance(val_dataloaders, dict): if not all( [ isinstance(x, RigidDataLoader) for x in val_dataloaders.values() ] ): raise TypeError( "All values of val_dataloaders need to be RigidDataLoader." ) self.val_dataloaders.update(val_dataloaders) else: raise TypeError( "Invalid type of val_dataloaders: {}".format( type(val_dataloaders) ) ) # benchmarks self.models = {"main": network} if benchmarks is None: pass elif isinstance(benchmarks, dict): if not all( [isinstance(x, Benchmark) for x in benchmarks.values()] ): raise TypeError( "All values of benchmarks need to be a Benchmark." ) if "main" in benchmarks: raise ValueError( "Cannot name a benchmark 'main' - restricted for the main network." ) self.models.update(benchmarks) else: raise TypeError( "Invalid type of benchmarks: {}".format(type(benchmarks)) ) self.callbacks = [ BenchmarkCallback(), ValidationCallback(), ProgressBarCallback(), ] + (callbacks or []) # Inject self into callbacks for cb in self.callbacks: = self self.history = History() self.loss = loss self.device = device or torch.device("cpu") self.dtype = dtype or torch.float self.optimizer = ( torch.optim.Adam(, lr=1e-2) if optimizer is None else optimizer ) self.current_epoch = -1
[docs] def launch(self, n_epochs=1): """Launch the training and logging loop. Parameters ---------- n_epochs : int Number of epochs. """ try:, dtype=self.dtype) # Train begin if self.current_epoch == -1: self.on_train_begin(metadata={"n_epochs": n_epochs}) for _ in range(n_epochs): self.current_epoch += 1 # Epoch begin self.on_epoch_begin(metadata={"epoch": self.current_epoch}) for batch_ix, ( X_batch, y_batch, timestamps, asset_names, ) in enumerate(self.train_dataloader): # Batch begin self.on_batch_begin( metadata={ "asset_names": asset_names, "batch": batch_ix, "epoch": self.current_epoch, "timestamps": timestamps, "X_batch": X_batch, "y_batch": y_batch, } ) # Get batch X_batch, y_batch = self.dtype ), # Make sure network on the right device and train mode # Forward & Backward weights = loss_per_sample = self.loss(weights, y_batch) loss = loss_per_sample.mean() self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() # Switch back to eval mode # Batch end self.on_batch_end( metadata={ "asset_names": asset_names, "batch": batch_ix, "batch_loss": loss.item(), "epoch": self.current_epoch, "timestamps": timestamps, "weights": weights, "X_batch": X_batch, "y_batch": y_batch, } ) # Epoch end self.on_epoch_end( metadata={ "epoch": self.current_epoch, "n_epochs": n_epochs, } ) # Train end self.on_train_end() except (EarlyStoppingException, KeyboardInterrupt, SolverError) as ex: print("Training interrupted") time.sleep(1) self.on_train_interrupt( metadata={"exception": ex, "locals": locals()} ) return self.history
[docs] def on_train_begin(self, metadata=None): """Take actions at the beginning of the training.""" for cb in self.callbacks: cb.on_train_begin(metadata=metadata)
[docs] def on_train_interrupt(self, metadata=None): """Take actions when training interrupted.""" for cb in self.callbacks: cb.on_train_interrupt(metadata=metadata)
[docs] def on_train_end(self, metadata=None): """Take actions at the end of the training.""" for cb in self.callbacks: cb.on_train_end(metadata=metadata)
[docs] def on_epoch_begin(self, metadata=None): """Take actions at the beginning of an epoch.""" for cb in self.callbacks: cb.on_epoch_begin(metadata=metadata)
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self, metadata=None): """Take actions at the end of an epoch.""" for cb in self.callbacks: cb.on_epoch_end(metadata=metadata)
[docs] def on_batch_begin(self, metadata=None): """Take actions at the beginning of a batch.""" for cb in self.callbacks: cb.on_batch_begin(metadata=metadata)
[docs] def on_batch_end(self, metadata=None): """Take actions at the end of a batch.""" for cb in self.callbacks: cb.on_batch_end(metadata=metadata)
@property def hparams(self): """Collect relevant hyperparamters specifying an experiment.""" res = {} res.update( res.update(self.train_dataloader.hparams) res.update( { "device": str(self.device), "dtype": str(self.dtype), "loss": str(self.loss), "weight_decay": self.optimizer.defaults.get( "weight_decay", "" ), "lr": self.optimizer.defaults.get("lr", ""), } ) return res