Source code for deepdow.nn

"""Module containing neural networks."""
import torch

from .benchmarks import Benchmark
from .layers import (

[docs]class DummyNet(torch.nn.Module, Benchmark): """Minimal trainable network achieving the task. Parameters ---------- n_channels : int Number of input channels. We learn one constant per channel. Therefore `n_channels=n_trainable_parameters`. """ def __init__(self, n_channels=1): self._hparams = locals().copy() super().__init__() self.n_channels = n_channels self.mbc = MultiplyByConstant(dim_size=n_channels, dim_ix=1)
[docs] def forward(self, x): """Perform forward pass. Parameters ---------- x : torch.Tensor Of shape (n_samples, n_channels, lookback, n_assets). Returns ------- weights : torch.Torch Tensor of shape (n_samples, n_assets). """ temp = self.mbc(x) means = torch.abs(temp).mean(dim=[1, 2]) + 1e-6 return means / (means.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True))
@property def hparams(self): """Hyperparamters relevant to construction of the model.""" return { k: v if isinstance(v, (int, float, str)) else str(v) for k, v in self._hparams.items() if k != "self" }
[docs]class BachelierNet(torch.nn.Module, Benchmark): """Combination of recurrent neural networks and convex optimization. Parameters ---------- n_input_channels : int Number of input channels of the dataset. n_assets : int Number of assets in our dataset. Note that this network is shuffle invariant along this dimension. hidden_size : int Hidden state size. Alternatively one can see it as number of output channels. max_weight : float Maximum weight for a single asset. shrinkage_strategy : str, {'diagonal', 'identity', 'scaled_identity'} Strategy of estimating the covariance matrix. p : float Dropout rate - probability of an element to be zeroed during dropout. Attributes ---------- norm_layer : torch.nn.Module Instance normalization (per channel). transform_layer : deepdow.layers.RNN RNN layer that transforms `(n_samples, n_channels, lookback, n_assets)` to `(n_samples, hidden_size, lookback, n_assets)` where the first (sample) and the last dimension (assets) is shuffle invariant. time_collapse_layer : deepdow.layers.AttentionCollapse Attention pooling layer that turns `(n_samples, hidden_size, lookback, n_assets)` into `(n_samples, hidden_size, n_assets)` by assigning each timestep in the lookback dimension a weight and then performing a weighted average. dropout_layer : torch.nn.Module Dropout layer where the probability is controled by the parameter `p`. covariance_layer : deepdow.layers.CovarianceMatrix Estimate square root of a covariance metric for the optimization. Turns `(n_samples, lookback, n_assets)` to `(n_samples, n_assets, n_assets)`. channel_collapse_layer : deepdow.layers.AverageCollapse Averaging layer turning `(n_samples, hidden_size, n_assets)` to `(n_samples, n_assets)` where the output serves as estimate of expected returns in the optimization. gamma : torch.nn.Parameter A single learnable parameter that will be used for all samples. It represents the tradoff between risk and return. If equal to zero only expected returns are considered. alpha : torch.nn.Parameter A single learnable parameter that will be used for all samples. It represents the regularization strength of portfolio weights. If zero then no effect if high then encourages weights to be closer to zero. portfolio_opt_layer : deepdow.layers.NumericalMarkowitz Markowitz optimizer that inputs expected returns, square root of a covariance matrix and a gamma """ def __init__( self, n_input_channels, n_assets, hidden_size=32, max_weight=1, shrinkage_strategy="diagonal", p=0.5, ): self._hparams = locals().copy() super().__init__() self.norm_layer = torch.nn.InstanceNorm2d( n_input_channels, affine=True ) self.transform_layer = RNN(n_input_channels, hidden_size=hidden_size) self.dropout_layer = torch.nn.Dropout(p=p) self.time_collapse_layer = AttentionCollapse(n_channels=hidden_size) self.covariance_layer = CovarianceMatrix( sqrt=False, shrinkage_strategy=shrinkage_strategy ) self.channel_collapse_layer = AverageCollapse(collapse_dim=1) self.portfolio_opt_layer = NumericalMarkowitz( n_assets, max_weight=max_weight ) self.gamma_sqrt = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1), requires_grad=True) self.alpha = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1), requires_grad=True)
[docs] def forward(self, x): """Perform forward pass. Parameters ---------- x : torch.Tensor Of shape (n_samples, n_channels, lookback, n_assets). Returns ------- weights : torch.Torch Tensor of shape (n_samples, n_assets). """ # Normalize x = self.norm_layer(x) # Covmat rets = x[:, 0, :, :] covmat = self.covariance_layer(rets) # expected returns x = self.transform_layer(x) x = self.dropout_layer(x) x = self.time_collapse_layer(x) exp_rets = self.channel_collapse_layer(x) # gamma gamma_sqrt_all = ( torch.ones(len(x)).to(device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype) * self.gamma_sqrt ) alpha_all = ( torch.ones(len(x)).to(device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype) * self.alpha ) # weights weights = self.portfolio_opt_layer( exp_rets, covmat, gamma_sqrt_all, alpha_all ) return weights
@property def hparams(self): """Hyperparamters relevant to construction of the model.""" return { k: v if isinstance(v, (int, float, str)) else str(v) for k, v in self._hparams.items() if k != "self" }
[docs]class KeynesNet(torch.nn.Module, Benchmark): """Connection of multiple different modules. Parameters ---------- n_input_channels : int Number of input channels. hidden_size : int Number of features the transform layer will create. transform_type : str, {'RNN', 'Conv'} If 'RNN' then one directional LSTM that is shared across all assets. If `Conv` then 1D convolution that is shared among all assets. n_groups : int Number of groups to split the `hidden_size` channels into. This is used in the Group Normalization. Note that `hidden_size % n_groups == 0` needs to hold. Attributes ---------- norm_layer_1 : torch.nn.InstanceNorm2d Instance normalization layer with learnable parameters (2 per channel). Applied to the input. transform_layer : torch.nn.Module Depends on the `transform_type`. The goal is two exctract features from the input tensor by considering the time dimension. norm_layer_2 : torch.nn.GroupNorm Group normalization with `n_groups` groups. It is applied to the features extracted by `time_collapse_layer`. time_collapse_layer, channel_collapse_layer : deepdow.layers.AverageCollapse Removing of respective dimensions by the means of averaging. temperature : torch.Tensor Learnable parameter representing the temperature for the softmax applied to all inputs. portfolio_opt_layer : deepdow.layers.SoftmaxAllocator Portfolio allocation layer. Uses learned `temperature`. """ def __init__( self, n_input_channels, hidden_size=32, transform_type="RNN", n_groups=4, ): self._hparams = locals().copy() super().__init__() self.transform_type = transform_type if self.transform_type == "RNN": self.transform_layer = RNN( n_input_channels, hidden_size=hidden_size, bidirectional=False, cell_type="LSTM", ) elif self.transform_type == "Conv": self.transform_layer = Conv( n_input_channels, n_output_channels=hidden_size, method="1D", kernel_size=3, ) else: raise ValueError( "Unsupported transform_type: {}".format(transform_type) ) if hidden_size % n_groups != 0: raise ValueError( "The hidden_size needs to be divisible by the n_groups." ) self.norm_layer_1 = torch.nn.InstanceNorm2d( n_input_channels, affine=True ) self.temperature = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.ones(1), requires_grad=True ) self.norm_layer_2 = torch.nn.GroupNorm( n_groups, hidden_size, affine=True ) self.time_collapse_layer = AverageCollapse(collapse_dim=2) self.channel_collapse_layer = AverageCollapse(collapse_dim=1) self.portfolio_opt_layer = SoftmaxAllocator(temperature=None)
[docs] def __call__(self, x): """Perform forward pass. Parameters ---------- x : torch.Tensor Of shape (n_samples, n_channels, lookback, n_assets). Returns ------- weights : torch.Torch Tensor of shape (n_samples, n_assets). """ n_samples, n_channels, lookback, n_assets = x.shape x = self.norm_layer_1(x) if self.transform_type == "RNN": x = self.transform_layer(x) else: x = torch.stack( [self.transform_layer(x[..., i]) for i in range(n_assets)], dim=-1, ) x = self.norm_layer_2(x) x = torch.nn.functional.relu(x) x = self.time_collapse_layer(x) x = self.channel_collapse_layer(x) temperatures = ( torch.ones(n_samples).to(device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype) * self.temperature ) weights = self.portfolio_opt_layer(x, temperatures) return weights
@property def hparams(self): """Hyperparameters relevant to construction of the model.""" return { k: v if isinstance(v, (int, float, str)) else str(v) for k, v in self._hparams.items() if k != "self" }
[docs]class LinearNet(torch.nn.Module, Benchmark): """Network with one layer. Parameters ---------- n_channels : int Number of channels, needs to be fixed for each input tensor. lookback : int Lookback, needs to be fixed for each input tensor. n_assets : int Number of assets, needs to be fixed for each input tensor. p : float Dropout probability. Attributes ---------- norm_layer : torch.nn.BatchNorm1d Batch normalization with learnable parameters. dropout_layer : torch.nn.Dropout Dropout layer with probability `p`. linear : torch.nn.Linear One dense layer with `n_assets` outputs and the flattened input tensor `(n_channels, lookback, n_assets)`. temperature : torch.Parameter Learnable parameter for representing the final softmax allocator temperature. allocate_layer : SoftmaxAllocator Softmax allocator with a per sample temperature. """ def __init__(self, n_channels, lookback, n_assets, p=0.5): self._hparams = locals().copy() super().__init__() self.n_channels = n_channels self.lookback = lookback self.n_assets = n_assets n_features = self.n_channels * self.lookback * self.n_assets self.norm_layer = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(n_features, affine=True) self.dropout_layer = torch.nn.Dropout(p=p) self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(n_features, n_assets, bias=True) self.temperature = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.ones(1), requires_grad=True ) self.allocate_layer = SoftmaxAllocator(temperature=None)
[docs] def forward(self, x): """Perform forward pass. Parameters ---------- x : torch.Tensor Of shape (n_samples, n_channels, lookback, n_assets). The last 3 dimensions need to be of the same size as specified in the constructor. They cannot vary. Returns ------- weights : torch.Torch Tensor of shape (n_samples, n_assets). """ if x.shape[1:] != (self.n_channels, self.lookback, self.n_assets): raise ValueError("Input x has incorrect shape {}".format(x.shape)) n_samples, _, _, _ = x.shape # Normalize x = x.view(n_samples, -1) # flatten x = self.norm_layer(x) x = self.dropout_layer(x) x = self.linear(x) temperatures = ( torch.ones(n_samples).to(device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype) * self.temperature ) weights = self.allocate_layer(x, temperatures) return weights
@property def hparams(self): """Hyperparameters relevant to construction of the model.""" return { k: v if isinstance(v, (int, float, str)) else str(v) for k, v in self._hparams.items() if k != "self" }
[docs]class MinimalNet(torch.nn.Module, Benchmark): """Minimal network that learns per asset weights. Parameters ---------- n_assets : int Number of assets. Attributes ---------- allocate_layer : deepdow.allocate.WeightNorm Layer whose goal is to learn each weight and make sure they sum up to one via normalization. """ def __init__(self, n_assets): super().__init__() self.n_assets = n_assets self.allocate_layer = WeightNorm(n_assets)
[docs] def forward(self, x): """Perform forward pass. Parameters ---------- x : torch.Tensor Tensor of shape `(n_samples, dim_1, ...., dim_N)`. Returns ------- weights : torch.Tensor Tensor of shape `(n_samples, n_assets`). """ return self.allocate_layer(x)
@property def hparams(self): """Hyperparameters relevant to construction of the model.""" return {"n_assets": self.n_assets}
[docs]class ThorpNet(torch.nn.Module, Benchmark): """All inputs of convex optimization are learnable but do not depend on the input. Parameters ---------- n_assets : int Number of assets in our dataset. Note that this network is shuffle invariant along this dimension. force_symmetric : bool If True, then the square root of the covariance matrix will be always by construction symmetric. The resulting array will be :math:`M^T M` where :math:`M` is the learnable parameter. If `False` then no guarantee of the matrix being symmetric. max_weight : float Maximum weight for a single asset. Attributes ---------- matrix : torch.nn.Parameter A learnable matrix of shape `(n_assets, n_assets)`. exp_returns : torch.nn.Parameter A learnable vector of shape `(n_assets,)`. gamma_sqrt : torch.nn.Parameter A single learnable parameter that will be used for all samples. It represents the tradoff between risk and return. If equal to zero only expected returns are considered. alpha : torch.nn.Parameter A single learnable parameter that will be used for all samples. It represents the regularization strength of portfolio weights. If zero then no effect if high then encourages weights to be closer to zero. """ def __init__(self, n_assets, max_weight=1, force_symmetric=True): self._hparams = locals().copy() super().__init__() self.force_symmetric = force_symmetric self.matrix = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.eye(n_assets), requires_grad=True ) self.exp_returns = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.zeros(n_assets), requires_grad=True ) self.gamma_sqrt = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1), requires_grad=True) self.alpha = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1), requires_grad=True) self.portfolio_opt_layer = NumericalMarkowitz( n_assets, max_weight=max_weight )
[docs] def forward(self, x): """Perform forward pass. Parameters ---------- x : torch.Tensor Of shape (n_samples, n_channels, lookback, n_assets). Returns ------- weights : torch.Torch Tensor of shape (n_samples, n_assets). """ n = len(x) covariance = (, torch.t(self.matrix)) if self.force_symmetric else self.matrix ) exp_returns_all = torch.repeat_interleave( self.exp_returns[None, ...], repeats=n, dim=0 ) covariance_all = torch.repeat_interleave( covariance[None, ...], repeats=n, dim=0 ) gamma_all = ( torch.ones(len(x)).to(device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype) * self.gamma_sqrt ) alpha_all = ( torch.ones(len(x)).to(device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype) * self.alpha ) weights = self.portfolio_opt_layer( exp_returns_all, covariance_all, gamma_all, alpha_all ) return weights
@property def hparams(self): """Hyperparameters relevant to construction of the model.""" return { k: v if isinstance(v, (int, float, str)) else str(v) for k, v in self._hparams.items() if k != "self" }